Featuring … Imelda Thwaites
Name : Imelda
Role : Car Paint Maker & Owner, Automotive and Industrial Paints Ltd
Brief role description :
Making car paint and eye matching, supplying to boat painters and industrial paints. I travel around Southland, NZ quite a bit dropping off paint as well.
What is it about your role you enjoy? :
The people .. plus it’s very challenging when you have to eye match colours. This means you have to look at a panel and decide which colours need to go into it to make it.
How did you get into your trade/industry/role? :
I didn’t know anything about automotive paint, but I filled in for a guy who was having an operation about 20 years ago and I’ve been doing it ever since! Now I own and run my own business.
What advice would you give to other women :
The biggest thing is to give anything a go. Don’t listen to anything negative.
Do you have a favourite saying or quote? :
Why wait for tomorrow, when you can do it today.
Tell us a funny story about your role or an amusing experience you’ve had :
When I first started, I had a car painter come in to order some paint. He told me “women can’t mix car paint”. So I took him out the back and made the paint in front of him and said “right, well .. I just did so what are you going to say now!”.
Any feedback or comments about your she wear boots :
They are so comfortable! I’m so glad there is a place now women can buy decent work boots and work wear.
To find out more about Imelda’s painting company, check out Automotive and Industrial Paints Ltd on facebook.