Female feet vs male feet .. what's the difference?
In the ol' days, work shoes and boots were designed by men, for men's use. Later, when women started needing robust shoes for work, smaller "female" sizes were made - but the shoe designs remained based on a men's foot mould. It stemmed from the belief that our feet were just smaller versions of men’s feet.
Modern science has since called BS on that, but fake foot news still exists. Most women are unaware of how history has left us wearing ill-fitting shoes designed for men, so the shoe industry has been slow to change.
The hard truth is women’s feet are anatomically different to a man’s - that's just science. And wearing a men’s fit is not good for our feet, legs or lower back.

We're reinventing *good* in women's shoes, meaning supportive, stylish options that fit a female foot properly. We’re setting this new benchmark, because current options ain’t all that. And we think you deserve better.
Science knows best
Study - April 2001
Gender differences in adult foot shape: implications for shoe design
~ Wunderlich RE & Cavanagh PR, Penn State University
Study - Sept 2009
Comparison of Male and Female Foot Shape
~ Gangming Luo, Vern L Houston, Martin Mussman, Maryanne Garbarini, Aaron C Beattie, Chaiya Thongpop, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
The highlights
Reading scientific stuff is not for everyone, so here's the low-down. Basically researchers normalised foot length measurements so they could compare the genders. Then they discovered:
- female feet and legs are not just scaled down versions of a man's
- there are 11 significant differences in women's lower limbs compared with male anatomy; 2 calf, 5 ankle and 4 foot shape variables
- women's wider hips create a significantly different pressure load under the foot

Sound familiar?
There's no bones about it - our (wider) pelvis, (shorter) legs, (higher) calves, ankles and feet are built very differently to men.
Unfortunately our build means we are often more prone to lower limb injuries and foot issues. Our more flexible joints and ligaments contribute to more ankle sprains and injured feet. And because our arch flattens more when we walk, we're susceptible to bunions, heel pain and tendonitis.That's why it's critical to wear supportive shoes, specially made for the female foot.

Take note!
When choosing she wear shoes, be careful when looking at the size of your shoes as it's possibly a man's fit, or based on a man's last! This is especially important for work boots. Instead, use our size guide and comprehensive sizing information to determine your she wear size.
Good to know
Coz of the whole man’s fit thing, you’ve most likely been wearing ill fitting work shoes. This means our she wear shoes can feel very different when you first try them on. It’s because they’re specifically designed to suit a female’s wider forefoot, higher arches, and more slender heel and ankle. In particular, you’ll often feel a much firmer fit around your heel and ankle. This is actually a great thing, because it means you’ll have better foot and lower limb alignment, and overall superior support and protection, both on the job and for long-term body health.
Take note!
When choosing she wear shoes, don’t be guided by the size you take in another brand (as it’s probably a man’s fit!) - this is especially important for work boots. Instead, use our tips below to determine your she wear size.
Good to know
Coz of the whole man’s fit thing, you’ve most likely been wearing ill-fitting work shoes. This means our she wear shoes can feel very different when you first try them on. It’s because they’re specifically designed to suit a female’s wider forefoot, higher arches, and more slender heel and ankle. In particular, you’ll often feel a much firmer fit around your heel and ankle. This is actually a great thing, because it means you’ll have better foot and lower limb alignment, and overall superior support and protection, both on the job and for long-term body health.

How to identify a men's fit
If you're wearing a unisex size, it's a dead giveaway - your shoe was built for a man's foot. At other times it can be harder to determine. For instance, some brands sell “designed for women” shoes and boots, which are often just a slightly tweaked and downsized men’s fit. It’s all a fake news trap, and these options are just men’s shoes in disguise.
Generally a proper female fit shoe will be slimmer overall, and contoured for a wider forefoot, then narrow in around the heel. A man's fit is wider overall, and generally remains a very similar width from heel to toe.
The female vamp (top of the boot) is shaped to lock and hold your foot in place, while the inner sole should also be chiselled and contoured for our higher arches.
A women's ankle boot should feature a curve at the back, and the ankle cuff and collar will be narrower for our slimmer ankles.
The ankle height will be more contoured, and shorter in height to accommodate women's shorter ankles.